A World Without Jobs?

Imagine if you never had to walk into an office again. You didn’t have a job, and the government gave you a check every month that enabled you to live pretty comfortably. What would you do? How would you spend your time and gain fulfillment? Could the world even...

Providing value

The surest way to get a job or promotion is to provide value. It sounds simple, but I see people going about it in the wrong ways. Just this week a friend told me he was going to email a hedge fund he respected and offer to work for free. He wanted to work for free to...

Lean In

When things get hard and start to fall apart you have two choices: lean in or quit. Quitting feels easy. You can give up, remove yourself from the situation, and find something else to work on. But if you run away you won’t learn or grow from the experience. But...

Mobile Payments, Hyperinflation, and Bitcoin

Paying with your cellphone is still a novel concept in most of America. But this has been the norm in Kenya for years. M-Pesa, a SMS based payment system, was launched in 2007. When I visited Kenya in 2010 I was surprised by how prevalent M-Pesa was across the...