Paired Learning

Imagine that you’re an engineer working in a software development shop. You specializes in javascript and your boss asks you to take on a project in ruby – a language you’re not super familiar with. Being a diligent employee, you agree and start...

The Last Rep

The last rep is the hardest. You’re tired. Your muscles are already sore. It’s easy to give up and call it a day. But the last reps are where the growth happens. It’s because you’re pushing yourself past your limits that you’ll grow. Most...

The Front Row

My vision is pretty bad… (Go for lasik and still wear glasses bad.) I’m near sighted in one eye, far sighted in the other. I have an astigmatism in both eyes and my left eye is a lazy. As a kid I remember not being able to see power lines. I couldn’t...

Asking for Help

I hear it from teachers all the time, most students don’t know how to ask for help. Self actualization of their needs is the most important skill students need to develop. Having the courage to raise your hand and say, “I don’t get it” is...

What is Cultural Diplomacy?

Cultural diplomacy – the attempt by a government to win the hearts and minds of foreign nationals – has a long tradition in the history of the world. Akin to an early form of globalization, cultural diplomacy served as a tool of statecraft for ancient civilizations of...