No one cares about what you want.

Are you looking for a new job? Building a product? Selling something? Beware of the common trap of selfishness. It is so easy to get caught up in what you want, how good you are, or why you deserve something. Why it matters to you. But don’t fail to remember a...

China didn’t take your job

The US is on track to overtake China as the most competitive manufacturing center in the world. For the first time in decades our manufacturing base is experiencing real growth. But this growth isn’t driving a resurgence in manufacturing employment. And this story...

Providing value

The surest way to get a job or promotion is to provide value. It sounds simple, but I see people going about it in the wrong ways. Just this week a friend told me he was going to email a hedge fund he respected and offer to work for free. He wanted to work for free to...