You might not have noticed, but last week I changed the link structure of my blog.

Previously the link to this post would have been: Now the link structure is such that the post is

Its simpler, cleaner, and easier to remember. I was inspired by a post I read from Zen Habits, a really terrific blog thats worth checking out. After thinking about it, I could see no reason why not to have a cleaner link structure. Its super helpful. There are a lot of web services out there that haven’t optimized their service to make the link structure easy to remember. Compare LinkedIn and Twitter:

Which one is easier to remember? Easier to share? Its pretty obvious that twitter thought more about their link structure from the beginning.

If you self host your WordPress site, then it is really easy to make this change. Sadly, freely hosted sites are required to use the standard WordPress link structure. To change it all you have to do is go to Settings -> Permalinks.

Check out the pictures below, and make your blog easier to navigate.

Changing your permalinks


Permalink options