January 22, 2023
For those of you not deep into crypto twitter – wagmi means “we are all going to make it”. And wow. Does 2022 stand out as a year of chaos and turbulence. From inflation to crypto crashes and fraud to monkey pox – its been a bit of a wild year.
- Ethereum is down 68%
- Bitcoin is down 65%
- S&P 500 is down 20%
- Nasdaq is down 34%
- VC Funding is down 53%
- The Fed Discount Rate is up from 0.25% to 4.5%
The world is in a radically different place than we were a year ago. But as I wrote last year, the pace of change is increasing in the world. And this shows no signs of slowing down. This is deeply reflected in just about every area of my life.
On September 15, 2022 the Ethereum blockchain went through the largest network upgrade ever – known as the Merge. Think of it like doing a brain transplant on a plane in mid-flight. The network moved from proof-of-work — where miners used energy and computational resources to produce blocks and secure the network — to proof-of-stake — where individuals could stake 32 ETH to run a validator node and secure the network. As of Jan. 21, 2023 there are 504k validator nodes – which represent over 16M ETH (roughly $26B USD) of value that is securing the network.
This network upgrade has been in the works for several years – I first learned about the move to PoS at Devcon in Prauge in 2018. This is the largest network upgrade ever. And this upgrade shows that Ethereum is one of the most vibrant and progressive technological platforms in crypto. The move to Proof of Stake results in a more secure and decentralized network, reduces energy consumption by 99.95%, and lays the foundation for future upgrades and more scalability.
Oh – and I have to shout out Chipotle for their Proof of Steak promotion to celebrate the Merge. Best meme. Much success. Many steaks.
The Merge created a net-new class of economic actors – block builders. These block builders are specialist providers that compete in a real-time marketplace to perform block construction on behalf of validators. The term ‘block building’ is used to describe the process of precisely ordering the transactions that end up being included in blocks. A ‘block builder’ is a network participant that orders transactions into blocks and proposes those blocks to the network.
Before the Merge we established Blocknative as a leading infrastructure provider — supporting top wallets, protocols, and networks. Since the Merge we have moved closer to the core of the Ethereum network. We now operate one of the leading Block Builders and Relays – and support over half of Ethereum validators. In many ways I think we will look back at the Merge as one of the key dates in Blocknative’s history.
On the back of the Merge, Blocknative raised a $15M A-1 to scale our infrastructure.
As I look ahead to 2023, I am pretty stoked about the opportunity that is in front of Blocknative. This is, by far, the highest caliber team I have had the privilege of working on. And I have a very high conviction about our ability to execute in this rapidly evolving space
Crypto Markets
2022 was not a kind year to crypto markets. After a long bull run, tightening monetary policy led to sell-offs – and we saw the implosion of projects like Terra, Celsius, and FTX. My biggest lesson this year was that the majority of the failures were in centralized systems — having little to do with the underlying technology. The failures of 2022 were largely driven by fraud, theft, and irresponsible lending and leverage.
For the most part, the downturn is a welcome relief of sorts. Lower asset prices have driven focus on solving real problems with real tech. I feel for those impacted by layoffs and downsizing — but no one should join emerging technology markets for stability.
Personal Wins and Reflections
January 2023 marks 4 years since I started working with the Blocknative team and 5 years since I started working in crypto full time. This is my third market down-turn and second crypto winter since joining the industry. Markets are going to market. A few of my lessons from working at the bleeding edge of an emergent technology market:
- Play infinite games – I show up to my office every day to solve interesting and hard problems with good people.
- Focus on survival – especially in emerging technology markets, survival is the key. The firms that lasted through the dot-com bubble were able to thrive on the other side.
- Balance the short and long term – build for what customers want and will use today, not in 10 years.
I am also happy to report that I was able to take on the role of a Board Observer at Blocknative. Digging in and learning more about this aspect of corporate governance has been incredibly rewarding.
Outside of my work at Blocknative, I was fortunate enough to take on two advising roles. One to Spritz.finance -the easy way to pay bills with crypto earned from DeFi, GameFi, and more. The other is with Nifty Apes – a Harberger-style NFT lending protocol. Over the past year I helped both Spritz and Nifty Apes hire their Chiefs of Staff and worked with the founders on a variety of go-to-market projects. It has been rewarding to collaborate with great people doing great work.
I made fewer investments in early-stage companies in 2022 than the year before. Partially due to crazy valuations in the start of the year and partially due to the downturn and slowdown in markets. I’m still an active investor with Rolling Fun – and Eric and team continue to make fun and interesting bets at the Seed Stage. I also was thrilled to get some allocation in HackMD‘s round – which was raised to help build out web3 native functionality.
Technology That Has My Attention
Stable Diffusion
Earlier this year, I went pretty deep down the rabbit hole of stable diffusion – a text-to-image AI tool that enables you to generate photo-realistic images from any text input. There are some pretty profound implications for this tech going mainstream and I expect an explosion of artwork to come as a result. Several years ago, when I tried to launch a NFT-enabled Sci-Fi Universe, one of the limiting factors was the capital expense of hiring creatives.

The above image was generated in about 30 seconds using the prompt: “Vapor wave image of a snowboarder at the top of Steamboat Mountain staring at a sunset while snow falls in the background“. You can try stable diffusion for yourself here – but note you will never get the same results twice.
Nuclear Tech
As we stare down the barrel of a global climate catastrophe – nuclear is one of the only proven technologies that can provide the world with enough power to actually make a dent in carbon emissions. And both governments and private investors have taken notice.
In France – 70-75% of their power comes from nuclear. It is a model that other countries are looking at – especially in light of the global natural gas crunch. And private companies are on the verge of shipping Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) at scale.
The nuclear winter is thawing – as more countries start to build new plants. And major breakthroughs – like fusion – have me very excited for the future.
Carbon Capture
For a few years now we have run a carbon neutral household – by purchasing offsets via Wren and Climeworks. And Climeworks is one of the largest carbon capture facilities in the world – literally pulling carbon out of the air and locking it in the ground. This technology is still in its early stages of development – but it is working, it is scalable, and it is a clear path to reducing our global carbon footprint and averting a climate catastrophe.
2022 took us out of the States for the first time since 2019 – and the return to travel has been a welcome return to pre-pandemic normalcy. Some of my highlights for travel were:
- Starting the year in Taos on a ski trip (that was cut short due to COV-19)
- Blocknativepalooza II in Scottsdale, AZ
- A belated honeymoon trip to Berlin – including two visits to Berghain and a week on a beach in Cancun on the way home
- A trip to Amarillo for a funeral
- Exploring the mountains of Colorado – 14 days of boarding, over 30 day hikes, and more
- Speaking at Dig South in Charleston
- Two weekend trips to NYC to see my grandparents and catch up with some good friends
- Hanging at Asbury Park, NJ with my cousin
- 7 weddings between LA, Denver, and Philadelphia – and I officiated my 12th wedding in Point Pleasant, NJ!
- Blocknativepalooza III in San Diego
- Celebrating Halloween in San Francisco – catching the Porter Robinson concert, seeing some close friends, and hanging with my cousins
- Celebrating the 2023 new year in Steamboat Springs with my parents
As much as I love traveling around the world, I am always thrilled to be arriving home in Denver. Living in the foothills of the Rockies is pretty incredible and I take as much time as I can to get out into nature.
Writing, Speaking, and Teaching
Most of my writing energy this past year was internally focused at Blocknative. But I was able to ship some personal writing and podcast appearances. In no particular order:
- Cost of the Status Quo Podcast
- I spoke at Dig South on the Practical Pathways Into the Metaverse panel
Learning and Personal Growth
My reading was sporadic this year. But there were two books that really stood out last year:
- There is No Anti-Mimetic Division – A fun sci fi read about anti-memes and dangerous thoughts that attack the world
- Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire – Why do we want what we want? Are we truly influenced by our own desires? This is the first book I have read that makes the work of René Girard accessible and applicable.
Read together, these books proved to be a fun deep dive into the idea of memes. I believe that ideas can shape the collective consciousness – and memes are one of the most powerful tools to understand.
In addition to these two, I read a handful of other books that stood out last year…
- The Song of Achilles – a modern retelling of the classic tragedy
- Termination Shock – the story of a Texas billionaire who fights climate change
- 100 Boyfriends – a fun collection of short stories
- Where the Water Goes – tracing the CO watershed
- The Network State – how crypto is changing governments
- Discipline Is Destiny – Ryan Holiday’s latest stoic publication
- The Company – the creation of the first company and North America
- The Pluriverse Universe Guide – a solar punk collaborative project that rhymes with Cellarius, a project I worked on years ago
For 2023, Solar Punk is the genre of choice. This emergent field of sci fi is focused on creating an optimistic view of the future – one where technology helps us to save the world. As I mentioned earlier, memes can shape our collective conscious. And I believe we need more optimism and hope about the future. Please send me any and all recommendations!
That’s about all I have in reflecting on the last year. I’m looking forward to making a dent in the universe this year.
p.s. how has your year been? shoot me an email, it would be great to catch up.
p.p.s. Check out past years in review: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021