Kindle Previews

When I search for a new book to buy for my Kindle I always download a few books to preview. It really frustrates me when an author or publisher only let’s you see the table of contents and the introduction. Barnes and Noble lets customers sit all day and browse...

Project Exponential

The Exponential Project was created by a Red Headed, Left Handed woman named Michelle. The purpose is to connect interesting individuals to create new opportunities.   When you walked into the event you were given a goodie bag – full of pipe...

The Story of Your Business

On Friday Breaker was joined by Dr. Tom Guarriello, the Chief Idea Officer of True Talk Consulting, for a session on Storytelling. Humans crave narrative, its a core element of our culture; one which transcends culture, gender, and race. Tom describes stories as being...

Deferring Your Student Loans

Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity -Horace Mann If you’ve gone for an undergraduate or graduate degree in the past decade, or know someone who has, I’m sure you’re well aware of the staggering cost of a degree. American...


Today marked the launch of a new firm backed by Union Square Ventures, Brewster. Brewster aims to make managing your contacts, across all of your social platforms, an easier and more enjoyable experience. I downloaded Brewster this morning, and connected it to my...