
I like to run, but I love to sprint. In 2011 I trained for my first half marathon without ever running more than five miles at once, I focused on sprint training – I finished in 1:57. Sprinting makes you faster. Sprinting makes you leaner. Sprinting increases...

Libraries Need to Evolve

I utilize my public library more now now than I have in the past eight years. This is especially surprising because I live over 8,700 miles away from it. I can’t recall ever checking a book out of the library while a high school or undergraduate student, but...

Link Structure

You might not have noticed, but last week I changed the link structure of my blog. Previously the link to this post would have been: brightful.ly/2013/03/05/link-structure/ Now the link structure is such that the post is brightful.ly/link-structure/ Its simpler,...


The Fulbright has challenged me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. When I opted to take the Fulbright over a lucrative banking career my family was surprised, to say the least. When asked to justify my reasoning I was often at a loss for words – I...

Article Published

In light of my New Year’s resolution of getting more article published, I’m happy to announce that I’ve gotten a new article posted on Under30CEO: How to Host a Dinner Party That Gets Everyone Talking. The post was inspired by an ebook written by...